This is the article I wrote for The Grapevine (Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI publication) about the Benson House on Long Island and its FBI connection.
Benson House: A Secret Revealed (.pdf)
It is nothing more than a dirty block of concrete stuck in the dark and dank basement floor of a hundred-year-old house.
Tucked under a narrow, cruddy window next to a stack of heavy shelves, it is not that easy to spot.
A close examination reveals no handwriting, nor markings of any kind offering hints about what it is and why it is there.
The only curious thing is the four rusting bolts sticking-up at each corner.
For nearly seven decades, who knows how many people have walked right by and ignored it.
Perhaps some, after pausing briefly to look at it, simply returned to their normal business, erasing that singular moment from their minds.
Today, one can only speculate about their reaction had they known the unique role this simple object once played in a highly-classified FBI operation, which confused and deceived the Axis Powers about Allied plans and intentions throughout World War II. . . . (read the rest)
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