Two months ago New York governor Andrew Cuomo placed the FBI’s top secret World War II Wading River Radio Station on the New York State Register of Historic Places.
I am thrilled to report that on May 4, 2018 the U.S. Department of the Interior’s National Park Service followed suit by listing it on National Register of Historic Places.
The letter says, in part, that the National Register “recognizes the importance of these properties to the history of our country and provides them with a measure of protection.” Click to enlarge:
For the full story of the radio station please read these articles on the FBI Studies site:

Benson House: A Secret Revealed
Long Island Home’s Secret Role in WWII Espionage Revealed
EVENT: Ceremony at historic FBI radio transmitter site – June 7
Secret WWII FBI radio transmission location featured in Batvinis book
FBI Recognizes WWII Counterintelligence Landmark in New York
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