A presentation analyzing whether former MI5 Director General, Roger Hollis, was or was not a Soviet agent.
Friday, April 10, 2015
4:30-6:30 PM
Reception to follow
The Institute of World Politics
1521 16th Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20036
Please contact [email protected] with any questions.
with argument maps by
Paul Monk, Ph.D.
Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Australian Defence Intelligence Organization; Argument mapping/Bayesian expert; Co-founder of Austhink, a critical-thinking skills consulting firm.
Raymond J. Batvinis, Ph.D.
Retired FBI Supervisory Agent; IWP Professor of counterintelligence history; author of The Origins of FBI Counterintelligence.
David L. Charney, M.D.
Consulting psychiatrist to the U. S. intelligence community; expert on the psychology of the “insider spy”; Medical Director, Roundhouse Square Counseling Center.
Harvey Klehr, Ph.D.
Intelligence historian, Andrew W. Mellon Professor of Politics and History, Emory University; Co-author of Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America.
Charles R. Twardy, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor, C4I Center, George Mason University. Expertise: Philosophy of Science, Artificial Intelligence, Bayesian Networks, Critical Thinking, Probabilistic Causality.
John L. Wilhelm
Former U.S. Navy Intelligence Officer; TIME magazine correspondent; Independent PBS Writer/Producer/Director; author of a forthcoming history of
Russian Military Intelligence (the GRU).
British Patriot or Soviet Spy? The Case of Roger Hollis, Video 1
British Patriot or Soviet Spy? The Case of Roger Hollis, Video 2 (Introduction to Argument Mapping)
British Patriot or Soviet Spy? The Case of Roger Hollis, Video 3
British Patriot or Soviet Spy? The Case of Roger Hollis, Video 4 (Unfolding the Roger Hollis Claims)
British Patriot or Soviet Spy? The Case of Roger Hollis, Video 5
British Patriot or Soviet Spy? The Case of Roger Hollis, Video 6 (Hollis as the MI5 Mole?)
British Patriot or Soviet Spy? The Case of Roger Hollis, Video 7
Ray Batvinis lecture
British Patriot or Soviet Spy? The Case of Roger Hollis, Video 8 (Roger Hollis and SONIA)
British Patriot or Soviet Spy? The Case of Roger Hollis, Video 9
British Patriot or Soviet Spy? The Case of Roger Hollis, Video 10